Worship At Myers


Sanctuary Flowers

Beautiful flowers adorn the sanctuary each Sunday.  If you wish to purchase flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one or special occasion, please contact Heather in the church office. The cost of one arrangement is $60 (as of 8/2 due to rise in costs) for a basic arrangement.  If you wish to make a special arrangement, please contact Heather at least two weeks in advance.
Should there be multiple persons wishing to sponsor flowers on the same day, there are several options.  There is space in the sanctuary for two arrangements.  Unless otherwise noted, there will be one arrangement provided each Sunday. Should more there be a need or a desire for more than two sponsors, you may arrange for an additional floral arrangement to be placed in the Narthex at the back of the church.
Please Contact Heather, 704-864-3222

Becoming a Member

1. Worship with Us! Eat with Us! Study with Us! Get to know us and decide if you want to live out your faith among those gathered at Myers.
2. Join us for a Pasta with the Pastors session (lunch & Conversation with Pastor Sally Queen & Sarah Davis) or set up a time for us to talk individually.
3. Understand what it means to be a member ~ support the church by your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
4. Discuss Baptism.  If you’ve already been baptized by another Christian church, there is no need to repeat it.  If you’ve never been baptized, you will be baptized as a part of joining the church.
5. Choose when to become a member.  From time to time we have “joining days” where anyone interested in joining can do so.  But if you have another day that works better for you, let’s talk.
6. When you join the church, you will be invited to the front of the congregation to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and your commitment to The United Methodist Church and the congregation of Myers Memorial UMC.
7. The Congregation will also recommit their lives to following Jesus and will welcome you.  You’ll probably be asked to stay at the front or join the pastor at the exit so the congregation can greet you as they leave.  

About the Stained Glass

The beautiful stained glass windows in the sanctuary of Myers Memorial United Methodist Church, tell the great story of our faith — from God’s creation of the earth to United Methodism today. Read More