Myers Youth

For all the latest details please make sure you’re receiving all the news you need to know!  You can also find details in weekly church eNews!

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UMYF Benediction

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.  Amen. (Numbers 6:24–26)

We’re entering our 45th Year of being the pumpkin Church!  The Pumpkin Patch is a primary fundraiser for the Youth Ministries of Myers Memorial UMC and is fully supported by the entire congregation!  
Pastor Drew has challenged each of us to serve 2 times in the Pumpkin Patch!  When are you serving? Sign up Here 

Sunday Nights


October 6: Pumpkin Sunday!  Youth-led worship at 10a, potluck lunch at 11a followed by 12p pumpkin arrival!
October 13: Second Sunday Supper, 5p-6:30p
October 20: Sunday Serve, 5p-7p
October 27: Trunk o Treat, 4p


November 3: Sunday Fun Day, 5p-6:30p
November 11: Second Sunday Supper, 5p-6:30p
November 17: Serve Sunday, 5p-7p
November 24: Small Group Sunday, 5p-6:30p

 August 7

 September 4

 October 9

November 6