Myers Meals in May

 Wednesdays in May, 5:30p

Jesus used the dinner table throughout his ministry and many of the parables he told were during the meal gatherings where others (even those uninvited) were present. Jesus dined with others in various settings like the large crowd on the hillside by the lake, a small meal at Zacchaeus’ house, and at breakfast on the shore after the disciples finished their work. In these places, Jesus broke bread and shared the good news of a God who loves all.  Jesus’ disciples took his practice when they were sent out, went into homes to share in a meal and then they too shared the stories Jesus taught them. So now it is our turn! 

Our church is situated among some of Gastonia’s most popular dining establishments and we have an opportunity to witness to our faith as we gather together for a meal around the tables on Wednesdays in May at 5:30p.  Each Wednesday we will meet at a selected site, order food and have fellowship and conversation.  Participants will pay for their own meals. Please join us and invite others to join you around the table too!

There will be multiple locations and while reservations are not required, it will be helpful to know a number to expect so not to overburden a restaurant.   Selected restaurants will be advertised in Sunday’s Bulletin and Monday’s Email prior to the Wednesday we gather. Jackson’s Cafeteria will be a consistent location through out the month as it has the largest gathering space.  A dinner host from Myers Memorial UMC will be present to help facilitate conversation yet it is each of our responsibilities to welcome all who wish to join the fellowship.


May 2: Jackson’s Cafeteria; Eastridge Mall Food Court; McDonald’s
May 9: Jackson’s Cafeteria; Sake Express, O’Charley’s, Milano’s
May 16, Jackson’s Cafeteria, Wendy’s, Los Arcos
May 23: Jackson’s Cafeteria; Taco Bell, Red Lobster